We are pleased to announce following a successful audit last week that E.E. & Brian Smith retained our BRC Agents and Brokers AA grade.

This audit is completed with the wider group Kiril Mischeff and ensures that we operate to the highest global standards for the ingredients we supply into the UK. The audit covers product safety, quality standards and ensures an effective supply chain of traceability. This audit was carried out under the new BRC Standard Version 3. We will send copies of our new BRC Agent and Broker certificate shortly to all our customers.

In case you were not aware E.E. & Brian Smith only source products from suppliers who are BRC or equivalent certified and the supplier is also audited by our own in house technical team. This ensures our high standards of product quality and safety are maintained. E.E. & Brian Smith are also certified by the Soil Association for any Organic products you may require.

Well done and thank you to all the team at E.E. & Brian Smith and the Kiril Mischeff group for achieving this excellent result.

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