Did you know today (24th August) is National Burger Day!

In the UK every year we eat around 2.5 billion Beef Burgers. Burgers are popular in the UK due to their quick cooking time, reasonable price point when eating out and range of different burgers on offer. There are lots of different toppings and accompaniments, and everyone is trying to make their Burger stand out from their competitors.

At E.E. & Brian Smith we sell a popular ingredient which are often in Beef Burgers – Gherkins.

Gherkins are added to Beef Burgers so there is a contrasting crunchy texture which results in a better bite and eating experience. The green colour of the Gherkins looks great against the brown meat and beige bun which makes the burger more appealing.

We sell a wide range of different Gherkins including – Coin Cut Gherkins and Sandwich Slice Gherkins which are the most popular for using in Burgers. We also sell diced Gherkins which can be used to make Gherkin relish to add to your burgers. We sell different recipes with sweet or sour notes depending on your application.

All our Gherkins are sourced from BRC or equivalent factories with the majority being sourced direct from our factory in Holland. We would be happy to help with any samples or further details – enquires@eebriansmith.com
